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A little boy's compassionate attempt to save an already deceased chicken from becoming lunch

Food for thought:

"If animals believed in God the devil would look like a human being"

Check out Andrew Amelinckx’s article for Modern Farmer, an online community for farmers. It suggests that a new study bodes ill for good, honest farmers. The article was published on 29 March 2016 in response to the study seemingly in hopes to warn farmers about the detriment that ag-gag laws could have on their business. The tone is curious but not necessarily urgent implying that he wants the reader to consider the seriousness of the repercussions but that they should not expect immediate repercussions from these laws. His purpose is to enlighten farmers who may or may not know that ag-gag laws create distrust between consumers and themselves, which could be very damaging to their businesses. The article outlines the results of the study, which suggest that the more knowledgeable the average American becomes about ag-gag laws, the more likely they are to mistrust agriculture business in general. Further that they would be more likely to support other reforms as well, including labor issues, food safety, GMOs, and the like. Amelinckx utilizes clear data and appeals to the reader’s reason in order to achieve their own greatest good.

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