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My name is Zoey Quinn-Dwyer and I am currently studying English in the very fancy Honors option at California State University, Northridge (where I will be receiving my bachelor's degree this spring). As a vegetarian of eight years, I find animal studies fascinating - and even moreso when combined with politics and popular culture. I cannot think of anything more important than studying, and hopefully participating in, things that directly impact our lives as we live them. My purpose here is to spread awareness and create some interest in things that, often, we overlook every single day. 

This website was created as the final project for an undergraduate Animal Studies class at California State University, Northridge. Any and all information here pertains strictly to the purpose of my project: to question what I call meat culture in the United States. All the links to other organizations' websites and social media pages are used in good faith and with honest intent to bring awareness and visibility to the aforementioned organizations. 

Happy browsing! 



that's me!

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